Monday, April 6, 2015

Layers of the Earth Song!

The ABCs, Days of the Week, Months of the Year - these are examples of ways music helps young children learn. You can make up a song about anything by using easy tunes. This week our activity (available to you FREE when you sign up in the box to the right) focuses on layers of the earth. Here's a fun way to get children excited about this science concept. Sing it to the tune of "The Adams Family."
Layers of the earth -
Layers of the earth, layers of the earth, layers of the earth, layers of the earth.
The earth it has 3 layers – 3 layers all around. The core is at the center. It’s way deep underground.
Layers of the earth -
Layers of the earth, layers of the earth, layers of the earth, layers of the earth.
Above it is the mantle; it can get quite hot. It’s filled with miles of magma and lots of igneous rocks.
Layers of the earth -
Layers of the earth, layers of the earth, layers of the earth, layers of the earth.
The part that we can walk on, it is called the crust. It has rocks and mountains and even blowing dust.
Layers of the earth -
Layers of the earth, layers of the earth, layers of the earth, layers of the earth.
Our Earth it has three layers – the core, mantle, and crust. You can see I know them – so I’m a scientist!
Layers of the earth -
Layers of the earth, layers of the earth, layers of the earth, layers of the earth.

And here is your friend, Dr. Kathy, showing you how much fun this song can be:

Remember, when we encourage children to cross the center line (right hand to left side or left hand to right side) we are waking up brains. It's a great way to start the day!

Standards Alignment:
NAYEC: 2.G.02.; 2.G.07.; 2.G.08.; 2.J.
Head Start: III.A.; XI.B

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